

PT. BSR Indonesia has been present since 2008 as a provider of human resources, securities administration bureau, contact center, parking management services, and professional and reliable facility services. With a vision of creating the widest possible employment opportunities, through a professional workforce who is ready to face the c...

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Facility Services

PT BSR Indonesia provides facility services that are integrated and tailored to your business needs, thus ensuring you get optimal benefits. The services we provide are house keeping, gondo...

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Share Registrar

PT. BSR Indonesia a Securities Administration Bureau offers implementation services for Primary Market Administration, Secondary Market Administration and Corporate Actions. PT. BSR Indones...

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Contact Center

PT. BSR Indonesia is reliable and oriented in providing contact center services. Such as order taking, telesurvey, telesales tele collection, and also includes HR management and procurement...

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HR Services

PT BSR Indonesia Back provides service provider and manpower management, including administratie staff, customer service, sales, collection, crew man, set builder, and other work function.&...

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Parking Services

PT. BSR Indonesia provides parking management services that serve office buildings, factories, hotels, apartments, and public places supported by experienced and professional staff. We inno...

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i-Hub Coworking Space

About i-Hub Coworking Space i-Hub adalah penyedia coworking space dan private offic...

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“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts"

Winston Churchill

“I never dreamed about success. I worked for it"

Estée Lauder

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing"

Walt Disney

“Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there"

Will Rodgers

“If You Are Not Taking Care Of Your Costumer, Your Competitor Will"

Boob Hooey

“A Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step"

Lao Tzu



#NgerayainHutJakarta Ke-497

i-Hub Coworking Space

PT BSR Indonesia Merayakan HUT Jakarta dengan Semarak di Kantor Pusat

Jakarta, 22 Juni 2024 - PT BSR Indonesia dengan bangga telah menyelenggarakan acara tahunan #NgerayainHutJakarta yang berlangsung meriah di k... View More